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Product Series

Focus on efficient energy conversion

Energy Storage Series


Product Features

Smart and convenient

Peakload shifting, Peak shaving and frequency modulation , virtual capacity increase and off-grid mode; processor up to 2GMIPS above; compatible with a variety of EMS strategies; operation and maintenance access through cloud/ Wechat mini App to minimize labor cost.

High efficiency conv

Evices, low calorific value, low standby power, efficiency up to 98.5~99.2%.

Versatile compatibil

3 phase 3 wire/ 4 wire global voltage standards compatible; support Power Quality Correction functions like: active harmonic filtering, static Var generation, three phase unbalance compensation.

Battery friendly

Different battery clusters can work independently, avoid parallel circle current, higher battery utilization and service life

Easy maintenance

When the battery or PCS module is faulty, it does not affect the operation of other circuits. PCS can be quickly inserted and removed for maintenance within 5 minutes.

Safe and reliable

Complete fault protection functions, no battery circle current, automatic balancing when parallel connected

Easy integration

Front access and cable connection, built-in EMS, minimize the workload of the cabinet, easy to use for integrators

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